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Viknesh Sivanathan posted in Recording Data for Attempts to Raise Lysogens
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in when Glimmer and Genemark call genes in different strands
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in when Glimmer and Genemark call genes in different strands
JustinA posted in Recording Data for Attempts to Raise Lysogens
lisabono posted in when Glimmer and Genemark call genes in different strands
Recording Data for Attempts to Raise Lysogens
Link to this post | posted 19 Nov, 2024 18:34 | |
Click here to download a template for contributing readily-intepretable data that is publishable on QUBES for efforts to raise lysogens for a given phage, regardless if you were successful or unsuccessful at raising lysogens. The datacard template shows the series of experiments that must be conducted (Protocols 11.1, 11.3, and 11.4) and resulting experimental data that must be included in order for your data to reviewed and considered for publication on QUBES. If you have any questions about raising lysogens and publishing your data, please do not hesitate to ask using the form below or emailing the SEA Team. |
Link to this post | posted yesterday, 19:24 | |
Has anyone managed to generate lysogens for Cluster AY phages in Arthrobacter? We have been trying with one of ours, and have not yet succeeded after several attempts. Just wondering if others have succeeded. Thanks! |
Link to this post | posted yesterday, 21:09 | |
JustinA Hi Justin, I think Adam Rudner at Ottawa has generated lysogens for a couple of AY phages – you might want to reach out to him, or better, invite him to respond here. I'd also like to suggest generating lysogens using the plate-seeded method, now included in the Phage Discovery Guide and listed as part of the methodology for our program-wide effort to raise lysogens – see the lysogen datacard template on QUBES: https://qubeshub.org/community/groups/hhmi_sea/research_data_collections Best, Vic |