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AAA ATPase or RecA recombinase?
Link to this post | posted yesterday, 17:39 | |
Gene 35 (stop 23126) in LilTerminator is called AAA ATPase in most phage in the PhagesDB database. However, the Function List says not to call this anymore. Based on Sally Malloy's ppt on when to call it RecA-like recombinase and when to call it ASCE ATPase, I don't think LilTerminator 35 has all features to call it RecA. But cluster EA is not listed under those clusters that don't have RecA recombinase, but do align to a core ATPase. Any advice on what to call this gene? Thank you! |
Link to this post | posted yesterday, 18:04 | |
Hi Holly, I recommend that you follow Sally's advice and call it an "ASCE ATPase". Thanks! debbie |
Link to this post | posted yesterday, 18:06 | |
debbie Got it - thank you! Holly |