The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

Abstract Summary

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This abstract was last modified on May 28, 2024 at 12:48 a.m..

University of Colorado Boulder
Corresponding Faculty Member: Nancy Guild,
This abstract will NOT be considered for a talk.
Phage Lab Assistants: Enriching Student Learning and Fostering Professional Development
Nancy Guild, Christy Fillman

The Phage Lab Assistantship program offers a unique opportunity for students who have completed the phage lab course to earn upper division MCDB credit while gaining valuable teaching experience and contributing to the success of phage laboratory classes. A blended approach is employed, with 75% of the program dedicated to hands-on assistance within the lab setting, including guiding students through activities, addressing technical challenges, and delivering engaging teaching lessons. Complementing practical experience, 25% of the program involves completing online modules focused on inclusive teaching, effective instructional practices, conflict resolution, effective presentation, and universal design for learning. These modules aim to equip phage lab assistants with essential pedagogical skills to foster an inclusive and supportive learning environment. Ultimately, the Phage Lab Assistantship serves as a catalyst for enhancing teaching strategies in the CURE Labs, enriching both student learning experiences and professional development pathways