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Abstract Summary

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This abstract was last modified on May 21, 2024 at 7:56 p.m..

Ouachita Baptist University
Corresponding Faculty Member: Nathan Reyna,
This abstract will NOT be considered for a talk.
Is this Possible with undergraduates? Thoughts, Tips, and Ideas for publishing your work.
Nathan S Reyna, Lori C Hensley, Kristen Johnson

The Cell Biology Education Consortium (CBEC) has created mix-and-match modular resources (Cell Blocks) that allowed PUI faculty with high teaching loads to move their cell-culture-based research into the classroom. However, interviewed faculty revealed that publishing research can be challenging at undergraduate institutions where high faculty teaching responsibilities and student mentoring are priorities. While engaging a large number of students, it can be challenging to assemble enough high-quality, reproducible data sets from a course-embedded undergraduate research experience (CURE) for a full manuscript. The one-figure format of the journal microPublication Biology is ideally suited for publishing undergraduate research. However, as a PubMed-listed peer-reviewed journal recognized by both NSF and NIH, it is more robust than a traditional undergraduate journal. With NSF funding for the CBEC: Path to Publication, we plan to address this publication disconnect by leveraging the power of our collaborative network to create a triage-style system that will help faculty prepare single-figure manuscripts from their data moving them and their students on a pathway to publication. Micropublication Biology is recognized by both NIH and NSF Recognizing that not everyone is at the same location on the path to publication, we will highlight entrances along the way.
Specific Aims: 1) Faulty will develop a workflow for the path to publication that is appropriate for their needs. 2) Join a network to support of faculty engaging their students in authentic research experiences that culminate in published work 3) Support class-based research and its alignment with the path to publication.