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This abstract was last modified on March 17, 2023 at 3:11 p.m..

Montclair State University
Corresponding Faculty Member: Kirsten Monsen-Collar,
This abstract will NOT be considered for a talk.
Amavida, Heylee, and JaNo: Three Novel Arthrobacter phage
Naseem Abedrabbo, Odai Abdul, Wilmary Acosta, Sandra D Adams, Emma Alava, Rebecca Alexandre, Nadira Ali, Verssally Aracena, Hermie Araneta, Giorgia Bialoglowka, Samantha Bobinski, Ty Broers, Jacob Bucherer, Safiya Bunglawala, Heylee Caceres, Domenica Canar, Kevin Caputo, Charlotte Carreon, Lucero Castano, Phillip De Coma, Megan de Vinck, Anayah Coles, Jaimee Diogo, Emely Elizalde, Alexander Ellis, Micaela Espinoza, Jadan Garcia, Ke'mahni Gayle, Jenna Hamdeh, Eli Horgan, Amar Hrustemovic, Xianny Jimenez, Adama Kallon, Janice Kapelevich, Alyssa Kchkouryan, Maribella Lora, Gianna Maresca, Daniel Mecca, Michelle Navarro, Makayla Nelson, Maya Padberg, Kirsten Monsen-Collar, Jaival Patel, Zofia Przedworska, Bianca Quispe, Leysel Romero, Nour Shalash, Tiffany Suazo, Hidayet Tonka, Angel Torres, Quinn Vega, Jefferson Vela, Issac Vizcaino, Kaiya White

To date, students at Montclair State University have isolated 257 phage using Mycobacterium smegmatis, and Arthrobacter sp. as hosts. Of these 257 phage, 26 have been sequenced and 21 have been deposited in GenBank (with one currently in review). During the spring of 2023, MSU students are working to annotate the genomes of three novel Arthrobacter phage: Amavida, Heylee, and JaNo. Amavida is a cluster AQ phage with approximately 90 coding genes, Heylee is a cluster AQ phage with approximately 90 coding genes, and JaNo is a cluster AR phage with approximately 110 coding genes. Pairwise alignments between genomes shows a 44.47% identity between Amavida and JaNo, a 44.49% identity between Heylee and JaNo, and a 99.9% identity between Amavida and Heylee. The results of the pairwise alignments are not surprising given Amavida and Heylee are both in cluster AQ and JaNo is in cluster AR. Work on these annotations is ongoing and the students at MSU anticipate their annotations to be complete by May 1, 2023.