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This abstract was last modified on March 18, 2024 at 9:59 a.m..

Virginia Tech
Corresponding Faculty Member: Stephanie Voshell
This abstract will NOT be considered for a talk.
Babyback and Silvy: A comparison of novel A2 and N cluster mycobacteriophages
Dilan Angeles, Anders J Arvik, Kate E Ashton, Ashlee G Baker, Emmanuel Benitez, Elsie S Boateng, Lucas A Bopp, Christian S Cho, Aloysius C Denby, Lena E Ferrell, Kaitlin A Gates, Simon Goitom, Ashley Griffith, Sofi C James, Shayan A Javed, Alexa B Jordan, Drew C Kershner, Anu P Kudva, Size Liu, Sophia B Loosemore, Harleigh E Lyle, Rayyan Mahmud, Augusta A Martey, Breanna S Martin, Chelsea E Martin, Grant J Martin, Emma B McClellan, Paladino R Megan, Antonio R Papa, Kimberly Perez, Blair E Rhodes, Eva J Riddervold, Isabella A Ruiz, Ethan Russell, Catherine E Sams, Sung Shin, Gabriella L Smith, Jason Snowman, Zimria Tucker, Neha Vashistha, Stephanie M Voshell, Sahiti S Vuppala, Alexis L Wallace

Babyback and Silvy were discovered in local soil and annotated by students in the SEA-PHAGES program at Virginia Tech during the 2023-2024 academic year. Sequencing revealed Babyback and Silvy to be members of the A2 and N clusters, respectively. The presence of tyrosine integrase in both phages suggests that they are temperate. Babyback and Silvy both contain several regions in the genome that are vastly different from those found in closely related phages. Numerous adjustments were made to the original auto-annotations in both phages.