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Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
eagodin posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
Kristen Butela posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
eagodin posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
Recombination directionality factor in Cluster B1s
Link to this post | posted 17 Aug, 2017 02:49 | |
In reviewing a few Cluster B1 phages, I am seeing some members of Pham (Webphamerator) 7880 (see Vivaldi gp64 for an example) as recombination directionality factor/RDF/RDF protein. I thought that the Cluster B phages are not temperate and aren't known to contain integrase genes. Why would a recombination directionality factor be present in a non-temperate genome, and apparently conserved among several other related phages? Is this a mis-annotation or am I not understanding something given that I'm writing this a little late at night? The only HHPred results don't meet the threshold for acceptance but they are close (high 80s%) to zinc finger domains. No conserved domains were identified. |