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Recent Activity
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in How is the RBS spacer distance counted?
Hemiparasite posted in How is the RBS spacer distance counted?
cdshaffer posted in AAA ATPase or RecA recombinase?
hnance@ccga.edu posted in AAA ATPase or RecA recombinase?
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in AAA ATPase or RecA recombinase?
How to Record Results
Link to this post | posted 18 Oct, 2016 00:43 | |
The results of the Host Range Project will be documented on this Forum and will consist of two parts: 1. Summary Report Use this spreadsheet to record a summary of the results of your testing. I have included testing on G. terrae done in the Hatfull lab as an example. you can add additional phages and additional schools to the list as needed. 2. Data Sheets The attached sheet - Host Range Data Template - will provide you with a template to include all the necessary data to make sound interpretations of that data. Instructions are on the sheet. Review this data sheet as you perform these experiments. in addition to the template, an example,Hatfull lab data with G. terrae, is also attached. |